
"Por favor, cuidem uns dos outros porque a vida é uma intensa viagem, é um imenso carrossel de emoções onde a alegria e a tristeza caminham juntas. Sempre que oramos e vigiamos fazemos com que a vida torne-se suave. Quando transformamos a nossa angústia, o nosso pesadelo em uma imensa nuvem precisamos usar o travesseiro da compaixão para pousarmos a nossa consciência.

Somos frutos de um mesmo Criador! Não importa a religião que professamos, importa o amor que emanamos. Esse é o ensinamento: 'Amai-vos uns aos outros!'."


Texto psicografado pela médium:

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

                                      THIS IS IT

Hi, my carnavalesque children, costumed with confetti of light and streamers of hope!

Since is Carnival we are entitled to our entertainment. This day we, Ricardo Eugênio, Andreia, Graça and me, are in a very special home on the  Capri's Island, in the coast of Santa Catarina. 

This place bring us huge memories and, at the same time, an endless pain because the owner is no longer with us in body but still with us in spirit. 

It was exactly because of it, that we chose this place to finalize the layout of the book, in Portuguese, entitled "É Isto!". And that, in English, will be published with the name "This Is It!" I think you have understood! Especially the fans of Michael Jackson. 

Why this home is special, each one understands how you want!

Carnival, besides the parties, also serves to reflection. In our case, here with friends, we are reflecting and at the same time enjoying. 
In a little while many of our friends will join us. This year in particular, we chose to use costumes used in previous lifetimes. Just remember the time of Christ and believe ... Our costumesare very real. We joined the Nazarenes to the Romans. Even our sandals were made to the fashion of the time! For many years we wanted to dress up the truth and this year 2012 we can.

Again I'll highlight, is a very special home! Do not expect any photos of ourachievement because this party is restricted.

In my final thoughts I ask you to memorize well the title of this book to be released by publisher C'FTA at Easter because it is the sublime season of the Resurrection.

I sign in your souls, minds and hearts with confetti and streamers of Laser and the fragrance of myrrh which Jesus used.


                         Carmem Faini Tiepolo de Aguiar

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