Psychography by MICHAEL JACKSON

My heart was pounding! I was breathless because front of my eyes was watering my musical masterpiece, my body movements being represented by an angelical beings. In spirit, I knelt thanking God for this great blessing
It is no secret my love for children. As much as I have suffered, the teaching "Come unto me the little kids" must be exercised! I swear the insults, the moral stripes didn't hurt, quite the contrary, I have raised before the Creator, our Supreme Creator. The presentation of this child and knowing many others, whether they are children or adults who keeps my name, itself reveals my reward. I would suffer if I had not left a work to be followed!
It was very angelical! I was connected, involved, watching all the presentations. There were many children who paraded their talents and, as the program did, I prayed that everyone would get their place in the artistic world.
During the presentation of illusionistic Mario Kamia, the missing that I feel of my friends David Copperfield and Uri Geller has increased my emotion. And why not confide you that, watching the children, the great missing that I feel of my children has intensified.
It's complicated! It hurts, it hurts a lot ...
Well, I must to warn you that over these last twenty-something years I work through the same medium. At first on condition that astral traveler (perispirit) and in the last almost 3 years as incorporeal (spirit). My rhythm of performance remains the same. Quote to you all the book titles of which I attended is the same as counting stars in the sky. I will cite only the book "The podium of Immortality" where, even in perispirit not omit my real name. In addition to books also include lyrics, melody and poetry. The same medium sheltering me!

This simpleton contact that I’m doing now is in order to my fans and I can be in fellowship. It is also for those who have sent numerous emails and phone calls asking about me. To you I dedicate my respect, because you are still being my dignity, my Sunbeam. I consider you my extended family.
And talking about family, I take the time to send huge hug and loving kisses for my children and , expanding this hug, I include especially Dra. Marcela Gadben, which I know have gone to Los Angeles to watch my ceremony. I have followed everything Marcela ! Your selflessness has not gone unnoticed by me. And for you, dear Walkíria de Jesus Menezes Moura, all my affection and the beating of my heart!

Please take care of each other because life is an intense journey, is an immense carousel of emotions where joy and sorrow walk together. Whenever do we watch and pray the life becomes smooth. When we transform our anguish, our nightmare in a huge cloud, we need to use the pillow of compassion to land our conscience. We are samples from the same Creator! No matter what religion we professes, the most important is the love that we emanates. This is the teaching: "Love to each other." I realize that human has become selfish in defending their own religions. Why is that? Answer to your hearts why this religious uncontrolled selfishness. Jesus did not defended this or that religion, he taught to love each others. So this is what you should do to really be saved!

I love ... Love ... and I love you, my children! I love you, my family! I love my fans and friends! I still love the humankind!
Sovereign God take you by the hand, guide you and wrap you in His Infinite Wisdom! God bless you!
With love,
Psychograph text by the medium:
Translated by: Iara Gallotti Frantz
* Perispirit, the light fluidic envelope, which is the intermediary bound between the spirit and the body. Spirit of alive people.
i love you michael jackson tu nous manque , tu me manque. ce texte c'est ce que je pense, aussi !!! c'est ce que j'ai toujour pensé, mais l'homme ne changera pas car il est trop aveuglé par le pouvoir sa propre religion qui le rend comme tu dit égoiste et l'argent . alors je prie trés fort chaque soir pour que sa change , pour que l'homme change enfin !!! c'est tout ce que je peut faire de toute façon , car ce n'est pas moi qui poura changé le monde . mais je garde espoir surtout pour les enfants , hooo oui surtout pour les enfants , car les enfants sont la lumière dans ce monde , et qu'ont puisse leurs faire du mal , les faire souffrirs me rend malade chaque jour c'est trop horrible, ça ne devrait mème pas existé,enfin !!je m'arrète la , car il y aurait trop de page si je devais écrire tout ce que je ressent alors je fini en disant, I LOVE YOU MICHAEL <3<3<3<3<3<3<3