Hi! My new contact will be to clarify for you the earlier report of this blog, it appeared inquiries that were sent to us through e-mails and phone calls, most of these questions were addressed to me. Being me a missionary in spirit, that don’t run away from my commitments, I will do everything possible to better inform you!
First of all, it is very important that all interested read The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardec and “Nosso Lar”, (Our Home in Portuguese) of Francisco Candido Xavier, by the spirit of André Luiz.
Now let's go! Little step by little step ... Let's do a kind of choreography written into the psychographics to not get lost!
When Allan Kardec received the response that what would be a perispirit, there were not so many technologies, and the people of that remote period were not yet ready for a deep teaching. Today, humanity has ears to hear, eyes to see and understanding to use the reasoning throughout your expandability.
Being a spirit evolved and having a large reincarnatory directory (past lifetimes, previous lives) automatically wins: easily to vaporize, ectoplasm, electromagnetic field multiplied countless times and electricity tripled beyond the speed of light and the thought, being able to when throw yourself out of body, bring your previous and current conscience, if it is incarnated. Being incorporeal, my condition at the moment, I vibrate at the core of the soul. When we get the titles of benevolence, wisdom and purity, as described in hierarchical scale of good spirits, benevolent, wise, superior and pure, we will be able to act with the Divine Holy Spirit. It is a great gift conquer those titles that allow us, even when embodied, we act in perispirit!
Most of the perispirits (astral travelers) work in humanitarian missions. I can assure you that, over the past 24 years, I have experienced this process giving the best of me and have revealed, through countless books with the same medium, my reincarnations.
I was one of the twelve sons of Jacob, represented one of the twelve tribes and thus also happened with my brothers at the time, the spirit of Ayrton Senna, John Lennon and nine others that in the future I will reveal to you.
Twice I was Pharaoh, one of them at the time of Tutankhamun and another lifetime, Greek priest.
In a very special time, I mean Jesus Christ, the INRI, the Invincible, the Superior, the only true Son of God was incarnate. Life in which vehemently I continued to perform the teachings! Time which I will never forget!
I was a Celtic priest and a Druid priest and knight. In this same period, the spirit of Francisco Candido Xavier was a great master who instructed us. After knight, won another title very significant.
I was an alchemist, philosopher, twice a slave, classical musician, Franciscan friar...
Shakespeare ... glorious days of "To be or not to be? This is the question "...
And you want to know why so much loved and talked of Peter Pan? I created him ... I Was James Matthew Barrie!
And here in Brazil, who was I? Who I was incarnate? Why am I in spirit here in Brazil? What is my familiarity with this country?
My list of past lives is intense and extensive ... I'm putting them dropped, not in chronological order. For you it’s important to know where I walked. Who I was, I know, because I learned and practiced the teaching "Know thyself," other words, not enough to know who you are but really who you were.
Let's continue ... I was two times Indian, Cheyenne and Cherokee. Also, I was incarnated in India ...
My God in Heaven! I'm older than the planetary construction! I'm not the only spirit that arrived where is needed to arrive. Confess to you that look at my reincarnatory gear does not scare me! Just surprised me because I loved and respected each garment carnal dwelt! The Divine Holy Spirit is the one that allows our mobility, speed electromagnetic. I, other spirits (incorporeal) and still others incarnated (perispirits) are part of the same caravan.
We have been strategically gathered in these last thirty years to confirm, bear witness about immortality. We operate in the same Caravan of Emmanuel, André Luiz and Francisco Candido Xavier. They are the true pioneers of this great relay which God, only God, provides!
We are incorporeal spirits and embodied ecumenical! We know the Divine Light in the religious sense, without departing from science!
God also works in science! May God bless all those who also play, providing the welfare of life on Earth, both directly and indirectly! God bless the scientists and multidisciplinary teams working in hospitals, clinics and laboratories, because they bring healing to the needy, to humans, flora and fauna. Anyway, planetary healing in every way!
This blog looks like a book! Even if it becomes extensive, I know it's interesting and you will not get tired to follow him, because he was born for those who like to be well informed.
Those who followed the interview of Carmen in "Radio Globo", in the program "Boa Tarde Globo", heard her talking to the broadcasters Alexandre Ferreira, Dadá Coelho and Lolô Penteado. The name of the Father Fabio de Melo was quoted because the theme that would be spoken on the blog, these past two weeks, would be about their past lifetimes. But I needed and was authorized to use the space! I can whet the curiosity of you? One of the previous lives of this respected priest was also known Father Marcelino Champagnat. Therefore, twice FR!
Gradually through this blog, many other people's names public and nonpublic will come, revealing to you who they were. By knowing who they once were, you will understand why they reincarnated again.
Thus, even talk about the beloved Fathers Marcelo Rossi, Antonio Maria, Reginaldo, Zezinho and many other light-filled priests and consecrated by the Holy Spirit. In this infinite light will parade also in our blog with your past lives: pastors, priests, rabbis, caliphs, patriarchs, monks, grand masters, "Pais e mães de Santo", Dalai Lama, spirituality doctrinaires and other enlightened religious leaders. Everything has a cause, for each case a reasonable reason...
Being I doing psicography again occurs because of the questions directed to me. We are missing links and we are rescuing the missing links too!
At this point I, this humble servant, priest of the Caravan of Light pad my white glove, I raise my chalice, which you know by the name of the Grail, and I bow all the memories! I bow all countries and their inhabitants! I bow the plants and animals that pass through the land, those flying over the sky, those who dwell in the waters of the seas, rivers and lakes.
At this time where the Excalibur of yore is the pen today, bow the sounding!
Especially bow to my three children, my dear children!
I bow my family too!
With gratitude I bow my fans, my true friends!
I bow with compassion those who stoned me, insulted, criticized!
I bow the ignorant with candor, in the certainty that evolving they will become wise.
With love,
Psychographed by the medium:
In Curitiba, 03.15.2012, 15h
Translated by:
Iara Gallotti Frantz
Work of TIEPOLO Giovanni Battista, The Immaculate Conception century.
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