
"Por favor, cuidem uns dos outros porque a vida é uma intensa viagem, é um imenso carrossel de emoções onde a alegria e a tristeza caminham juntas. Sempre que oramos e vigiamos fazemos com que a vida torne-se suave. Quando transformamos a nossa angústia, o nosso pesadelo em uma imensa nuvem precisamos usar o travesseiro da compaixão para pousarmos a nossa consciência.

Somos frutos de um mesmo Criador! Não importa a religião que professamos, importa o amor que emanamos. Esse é o ensinamento: 'Amai-vos uns aos outros!'."


Texto psicografado pela médium:

domingo, 1 de abril de 2012


Cordial greetings!

Hello great-grandparents, grandmas, grandpas, dads, moms, uncles, aunties, little girls and little boys,  young people of Brazil, human beings in this huge universe!

Especially today it fell to me to write this text, which I am aware that will be included on our blog. While I was incarnate, the writing was never my strong point, I have other medium qualities and, perhaps bringing them together, the result is satisfactory.

I need in this special time, when the Good Friday and Easter are close, ask you prudence and wisdom in all senses. Let's start with the traffic! People of the wheel, let's be careful about drink, anxiety, selfishness in the transit, either in town or on the road! It is important not to divert attention! Not to be talking on the phone. One second of distraction can be fatal!

Please do not abbreviate your lives for the hurry factor. Don’t want to get to the "upstairs" before the right time, I refer to fatalities. If, by any chance, you are approached by kidnappers or robbers, try to keep the most absolute calm, to reassure yourself and also to reassure the villains, in order to preserve your life.

Friends, this pisicographic which I’m doing for you , I’m doing with the purest intent!  If I was in my recent stay on earth as a pilot, motorcyclist or truck driver, perhaps just a driver, no matter! I am far from being an evangelist spirit or perispirit, but in my own way I make my  psicographics asking you  the same thing that Michael Jackson asked for in previous blogs, that is, to respect all religions, because we will need to pass through key moments and we all gathered will help each other.

The true love preached by Jesus Christ was unifier, that is, every human being follows the religion, sect or philosophy that suits you best, but the love lives and pulses above religions. The dispute of religious materialism is horrible! Jesus did not teach that luxurious mansions and buildings should be built, this was never the cause of Him! On this important Easter is what we, who belong to the Caravan of Light, ask you. It is the same teaching of the past, that is, to respect the most the Ten Commandments.

We were men and we know that the ninth commandment is too complicated, either men or women to comply. Nevertheless, it is important to follow it! Great loves are lost for lack of dialogue, pride or sheer pettiness between couples. If they can’t hold together, and if there are children of this union, the ideal and the wisdom ordained that these should not be forgotten, either through the sustenance (alimony) or, especially in the emotional sense. It is very important the union between parents and children! The preservation of the parental relationship is crucial to the success of planetary harmony, including the friendship and respect between former couples and their families.

Friends of the Earth, when you're anguished, try to make a prayer! Walk searching inhale and exhale slowly, hydrate yourself, nourish yourself with lots of vegetables and fruits, don’t overdo the salt and sugar. What I write to you is what health professionals routinely indicate you. Never stop medication treatments on your own initiative! God in His infinite goodness, assists you. It is obvious that miracles happen, but this does not mean that human beings can turn your back to medicine. I am writing this because I know that there are religions that subsequently guide you to discontinue treatment. This action delays your recovery, and may cause you the die. It's like the traffic, all prudence is little!

Earthly friends, I invite you right now to put on the gloves of dignity, adjust the boot of respect, fix the overalls of prudence and put the helmet of virtue! Let's scroll together through the Avenue of Prayer holding the crucifix, because this will be our steering wheel! I invite you to do the prayer Jesus taught us, "Our Father ..." and then "Hail Mary ...".

We, of the Caravan of Light, we wish you all fraternally a happy Easter, filled with chocolates of light!

From the eternal spiritual friend,

Psychographed by:
On 31/03/2012 at 12:40
                                                                            Translated by 

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