Text originally posted in Portuguese on Sat. Jul, 14, 2012
Vapt Spiritual Vupt Perispiritual
Hello my friends! My children who are
astral travelers or they will become!
Responding to requests for some people
our topic today is in relation to perispirit. So here we go! He is the electromagnetic
clothing of the spirit. Allan Kardec in
his work, The Book of Spirits, wrote about the perispirit. The centuries
passed, the basis remains the same, but the level of perispirits follow the
evolution of the incarnate spirit. As higher is the level of embodied spirit and
the more past lives possess, will move easily in time and space. He is not a
heavy matter, but to spirits who have not purified themselves, yes. As more
perfect is the spirit, most
comprehensive is his perispirit. Anyone
wishing to learn about perispirit in one of my books, Vapt Spiritual / Vupt
perispiritual, dealing specifically with this issue.
Here in Federeção Perispírita annexed to
COEE after our regular visits to the public from 13:30 to 17:00, our internal work
is dedicated to the perispirits, also known as astral travelers. Is it
complicated? Really! However, the work we have done thirty years ago, allows us
to walk along this electromagnetic and paranormal road. I know it is not easy
for laymen to understand. Those who are already accustomed to, they see more
clearly. In the previous texts, when we quote the previous lifetimes of some
people, it is because they have, in the magnetic field, a powerful aura of
light! It is easy to enter, with the permission of these spirits and their
guardian angels in their Akashic records. Again, as the larger the number of lifetimes, will be greater the speed of perispirit (vest
magnetic of the spirit). In future publications we will continue this.
The book I spoke about earlier, Vapt
Spiritual / Vupt perispiritual, was dictated by the spirit of André Luiz. Ah,
is Andre Luiz of Chico Xavier? It´s Andre
Luiz of God! It is a super spirit! Speaking of Andre Luiz, when he dictated and
psychographed, the book “Our Home” to Chico Xavier, in one chapter "Field of the Music", he brings the
music of heaven to earth. Soon, you will be surprised with the songs that he
composed. For twenty-somethings years he works with music, medicine of music or
music therapy, spiritual and perispiritual, as you choose. The material we use
internally, we were allowed to divulge. Keep your eyes on Youtube! André Luiz
psychographed for me lyrics and melodies of their songs that were later, some,
played by André Luiz Mazarollo, a friend of ancient journey.
In the coming days, also will post some
songs on Youtube, which Leandro dedicated to Leonardo and his family. Songs
ready for several years! Some of these were shown on SBT Reporter show by me,
and one of them followed the style of guarânia. At that time was questioned by
a maestro about why Leandro would change his musical style. It took many years
and jackfruit and pequi are coming out of his throat and from mine! The
disembodied was he! And he did and does what he wants! If guarânia was not
good, his brother would not sing India! Habit of some people who study about
the dead, the spirits have to hold and not let them use their potential! I ask
even to come back in the previous texts that I talk about the speed of the spirit
of Leandro in moving to the accident site of his nephew Pedro son of Leonardo,
providing relief essential to his survival until the arrival of paramedics. So
understand definitely that the spirits have gifts. They make the style they
want! They study! To arrive in Heaven and working with music need not have been
singers here on Earth. Tired to write in my books I have lyrics and melodies of
spirits that discarnated and, in the Astral, learned and became composers. So it
was the case of Senna and many truck drivers, garbage collectors, builders and
many other spirits who acted on their garments assets in other professions! And
that is what we show on Youtube. And who does not like ... Come to Curitiba to
take lessons with me and the spiritual side! We teach with great pleasure!

Now, with the sword of justice and the
pearls of light I radiate from the core of the sun in your souls! That the
strength of ray, the power of lightning, the musicality of thunder and the elements
of nature protect you, by removing all the nightmares, the pain of love, the
sorrows, the financial problems of your souls, spirits and raw.
God bless you!
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