Hi dear children dressing golden lilies!
To not lose the habit, because it's
Saturday, we are gathered in a single aura! We have today some subjects, some
normal, some polemic ... Surely I, Carmen, I prefer the normal and let the
polemic in wise hands.
Today our subject would on request of
you through emails and phone calls, the past lives of Hebe Camargo. But again
the spirit of Michael Jackson, who is "doubling his duty" arrived
with a subject totally unexpected for our team.
On the 11th of September, after having
negotiated and asked to be attended to by Osama Bin Laden, Michael finally went
to him, duly authorized by the Astral Plane and brought us through
psychographics and spiritual dictation, some information, which will pass you.
But before we get into the subject of
"Bin Laden", I ask you to stay tuned to YouTube in the coming weeks,
because we will present to you at least one song, among many composed by the
spirit of Andre Luiz, who is played by singer André Luiz Mazzarolo . So do not
be confused: one is the spirit, the other is the singer. Remember that in the
book "Our Home", dictated by the spirit of André Luiz to medium
Francisco Candido Xavier, one of its chapters was devoted to the field of
music. Now if André himself dictated to Chico, needs to be himself Andrew, spirit,
to show you the sound from Heaven to Earth. André Luiz is a spirit that, over
the past twenty-eight years, sustains me and uses my physical body, my cabinet
brain, finally, my whole body to write books, serve the public and make music,
and these, although songs are also therapeutic purposes, leave nothing to be
desired to own earthly music. They delude themselves into who think that Dr.
André Luiz only writes songs and gospel tunes. Quite the contrary! You know
that he also dedicated himself to writing in the Freudian sense of sexuality.
Now is the time and the moment to show the song "Távola de Anis" (Tavola
of Anis) title chosen by him and is already prepared musically for more than 20
years. We will have a repertoire retroactive from twenty years ago until now.
So it is with great humility that I, Carmen, represent him in the House of Ecumenical Spiritual Guidance
Padre Cicero Romao Batista (COEE) in the medical and electromagnetic and areas, in energy music therapy and in his many books, and theater
performances, which he did entire soundtrack of books and plays, always taking
into consideration the welfare of souls, spirits and embodied materials and
incorporeal. But stay tuned, because you will understand the importance of
perispirits, as the André left written in his book "Our Home". It's
the answer from Heaven to Earth, is the dance of perispiritual mobility showing
aurally what the literature only showed. Why André can do this? Because in one
of his lives, he was a classical musician. We'll talk about it after you hear
the music ...
Well, now we go to the second part of our
blog ... The narration no longer belongs to me and the subtitle is:
"I searched for Osama Bin
My little heart has always needed
answers. My little wisdom drives me and allows me to pursue what I even need
and feel that those who I love also need and seek.
After the fifth month of disincarnation
of Bin Laden, I started negotiate a meeting with this spirit so controversial.
Rummaged all heaven, asking for
permission to my superiors to allow me to meet him, talk to him looking into his
eyes. I got this authorization and was received by him at the Ministry of
Communication, where in a place simpleton, he was. Nothing was missing him! The
Quran was on the nightstand on his right, water, a braided leather sandal, head
enveloped in the turban and a robe color of life that was lived between love
and hate, between detachment and violence. This man explained to me that the
attack of September 11th of the year of doom was not his project, but of the
pilot himself who was in charge of the first plane that stormed the building. To
Bin Laden, the idea of this man would be impossible to put into practice due to
the wisdom of Americans and for his masterly defense strategies. According to
Bin Laden when he had the attack science, proudly positioned itself as mentor because the successful operation fed his ego.
Now after so much time, Osama himself decided that even had so much geniality
to attacks and counterattacks, not thought this direct air operation. According
to his reports, who made it, other words, the pilot, was a true genius, because
the quota of victims of the World Trade Center was much less than the quantity
of those who died in his country and in other countries (Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in Japan in 1945, Vietnam, Iraq, etc.)., victims of American imperialism. Affirms
that his people and other people also suffered slaughter and the world not
cried for slaughter of these ... That the world shed tears for those who died
in the attack on the U.S., built a plaza with the names of the victims in his
honor ... and his people, who square had? Which tributes? What were and what
are the tears in the world today for the people that still there? So Bin Laden
does not want to apologize because, he said, does not need apologize. Will not
lower his head. He's dead, but affirms still have dignity. Not apologized to
Allah because, from their point of view, Allah understands him. Reports clearly
that, after his death, he was with Muhammad, with whom said keep talking.

According to Bin Laden, having watched
on television the desperation of Americans running from one side to the other,
aiding its victims, wiped his heart and soul. After so many times see his land,
his people and so many other people with their heritage archaeological,
genealogical and genetic degenerate, their women raped, their children taken to
other homes, Bin Laden says has no remorse to the attack of September 11,
because he understands that is made here, pay here. But he believes that
terrorism can be a thing of the past, since the Americans command their
homeland and that each one take care of their territory, otherwise bigger
things that terrorism can happen. Tragedies virtually announced that you must
have the wisdom to avoid it! Bin Laden reinforces that each leader takes care
of his homeland, which thrive and to make grow, but without interfering those
who follow the Quran or their religions. Unwilling to impose new laws, where
the law already resides. Alert that even slowly, countries called "Third
World" can adapt to modernity. He asks Allah to respect as it should and
needs to be respected, as must be respected all religions! Claims that not see
terrorists in the face of all Muslims, because they are not to blame for
everything that happened.
But what to me, Michael, drew more
attention on Bin Laden was the fact that he repeated several times that only a
man who loves his country and his people, defends them tooth and nail and moans
like a lion to defend them , as it has done and still doing Barack Obama.
According to Bin Laden, he felt cornered when he heard the sound of helicopters
hovering over his house, understanding that it would be the prey, and them, the
lions. Emphasises have been delivered without reacting, taking time to ask
others who were around him to do the same. Thus, hopes that this age of revenge
be closed.
I, Michael Joseph Jackson, taught him
what is a psychographics so he can write in your language and use his own
signature. And when this psychographics is ready will be forwarded to the
person I determine, so there is no doubt that he might be alive somewhere on
the planet. He remains alive only in spirit and certainly his spirit is
currently away from wanting any kind of confrontation or revenge.
As for myself, Michael Joseph Jackson,
as I explained earlier, I worked for 28 years in perispirit with the same
medium and, after my disincarnation, keep working with her in spirit. So, with
my death I did not cease my work! Yes I will continue seeking polemic spirits
in the areas of politics, arts, religion and all that God allows me to
I did not die by causality! I left this
world to become even more useful for the Cosmic Plan and Land Plan. If you,
friends, believed that my death would be any death, remember that I was never
common. I never agreed with the system. I began to distinguish the color that
was so much criticized by the face that was so much stoned, by the accusations
untrue. Again I repeat, this is very important because, while in the Land Plan
was imposed to me the title of pedophile by some people here on the Astral
Plane I always had another title given by God. On behalf of this title fight
with the forces of old and new prophets!
Believe it or not, I still am Michael
Joseph Jackson! God bless you! May the peace and wisdom be your pillows and
your blankets, may your feet have in the ankle the wings of Hermes, may the
caduceus in your hands be of the
fraternity because in my winged hat, and my attitudes I have these same wings .
I am who I am, who I was and still am in spirit! The world thought it would to
get rid of me? No! Now that the world will know me because I keep defending
love, justice and hope! Again, God bless you and enlighten you forever! And
whenever I need to communicate, even though there is already a schedule through
requests by e-mails of people, I'll intervene because I’ll bring you matters of
utmost importance. I can not wait because I hurry, the world hurry, the world
needs more love, and people need to turn their look inward and know themselves.
Amen to all races and creeds, for all men, women and children of good will of
this immense planet called Earth.
Psychographics and spiritual dictation
done by the spirit of
between 07 and 11 September 2012.
Right now, with the sword of justice and
the pearls of light I radiate from the core of the Sun in your souls! May the
force of the ray, the power of lightning, the musicality of thunder and the
elements of nature protect you, removing all the nightmares, the pain of love,
the hurts, the financial problems of your souls, spirits and physical bodies.
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