
quinta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2013


Dear friends, children full of light!

Although we know that we are leaving in abeyance until next year, the continuation of your past lives, especially of my Facebook friends, we will continue taking the doubts of the phone calls I received during this week. Although not seen emails this week, I was struck by the numerous questions that were asked through my phone.

So here we go ...

In the previous blog Ayrton Senna and I explained to you a few things, among them that the process called spiritual saying is different from psychographics. In the case of Senna when he writes books, uses these two techniques. The 300 books that he mentioned in the text of the blog last week refer to those who he wrote it, but the sum total of spiritual books is much higher than 1000 books.

Until the present moment we have been able to put in Facebook, only a small part of these books, due to the volume of material produced. When writing his books and related prefaces, Senna has the company of a team that works directly with him. Usually Senna, John Lennon, Dinho and Leandro make up this team and write about their experiences in previous lives and of living in the Spiritual Home. Each book has its own soundtrack, composed by songs that accompany it. Are, therefore, prepared to become movies. In no time the focus is on what they did recently here on Earth, while incarnated. Make no reference to the specifics of each on the Earth Plane. Do not whine! Work with a futuristic vision. Together  with them we found the other spirits, whether celebrities or people unknown to the public, regardless of economic and social condition.

It’s  important that all of you realize that they do not waste time telling what they have experienced here , since there is too much to tell about what they experience in another Plan in Our Ecumenical Spiritual Home . This home was also idealized by André Luiz added Emmanuel and modernity expresses in the Astral Plane. Those who watched the movie "Our Home," based on the book of the same title written by the spirit of André Luiz through Chico Xavier, have a greater understanding. To get there need to across the bridge that connects the Our Traditional ​​Home to Our ​​ Ecumenical Home. In the Ecumenical Home, the Ministry of Communications is coordinated by the spirit of Augusto César Vanucci. And in the Sports Ministry, that it was previously coordinated by Garrincha, this position was assumed this year by Senna. You won’t  find the Sports Ministry in Our Spiritual Traditional Home, but in ours, which is the Ecumenical Spiritual Home, which is shown in my books. The Ministry of Music, located in the square which is described in Our Traditional Home,  is the former. But our more modern, Music Ministry is coordinated by the spirit of John Lennon and has space for every musical style, be it rock, rap and everything you can imagine ... Even the singer Chorão is with us and tells to his family, friends and fans that he have already paid his bill and now is in the light.

The spirits of young people and also elderly people, when they reach the Astral Plane registered to belong to Our Home Ecumenical space that shelters the spirits of all religions. In Our Ecumenical Home spirits are free to profess their beliefs and attend, in the Astral Plane, the sacred spaces that refer to their faith, in other words, churches, temples, synagogues, prayer houses, terraces and other. There are also reserved times for ecumenical worship for those who wish to participate.
In number of spirits, the population of the Our Ecumenical Home, about which I speak in my books for over 30 years, exceeds that of Our Traditional Home.

The book that Senna previously mentioned, the "Podium of Immortality", was written a few months after his disembodiment and still alive, acted in PERISPIRIT in our first books.

Therefore, this journey did not start today ... There is a script programmed by God that my spiritual friends and I came treading over the years. Spent 30 years of my life and still do, sleeping four hours a night and "Look there," working tirelessly with books and music, giving shelter to the spirits, whether they are celebrities or not. If God chose me to do this and had great teachers here in the Earth Plan is because I know what I'm doing. I am aware of the difficulties and what was eased to me ...
When, in the past week, Senna showed you the documents that are signed by their parents, the spirit of the singer Leandro was in an uproar. Why? Because we went to the House of Support São Luiz, in Goiania, to humbly surrender his literary production, in order that these books should be edited and the copyright reverted to benefit the Support House. But, just as Senna, only without the input of any document, Leandro went through the same rejection from the proposal made. The spirits, mostly tried to turn their new  experiences, astral, literary or musical in benefit of their institutions.

In the case of Leandro, to introduce the books need to swap his name. José Luís became José Luis Brasileiro. We made it to blur possible situations. The Dinho, the group "Mamonas Assassinas", became Dinho da Silva Sauro Brazil. You may wonder why we mentioned the names of spirits of people known to the public, however, does not help quoting here in the blog, the names of which you have not known the raw. We believe that once you have greater facility to understand the functioning of some issues in the Astral Plane. But often, the spirits of people not known to the public participate in our books.

The famous "extra bonus" quoted in the movie "Our Home" also continues to exist in the Ecumenical Home. Can be sure that the bonus  of Senna and of the staff to which he belongs is very advantageous!

In Traditional Home, idealized many years ago, there isn’t the diversity of options available in the Ecumenical Home. Who disembodies and is wise, opts for Home who wants or deserves. The two homes are separated and, at the same time together. At the Ecumenical Spiritual Home, astral travelers (perispirits) have name and voice. They have preserved the dignity to use their real names used here on earth, but who prefer to use a pseudonym will have this right safeguarded.

Let's sharpen your intuition ...

Who would be called here on Earth, "Indian Liverpool", the "Indian Penny Lane" and "Indian Yesterday"? Would be Paul McCartney when he meets John Lennon? If Paul himself assumes publicly get in touch with the spirit of Lennon, who are the people who dare oppose him? A man of the spiritual and terrain level  as his, has the right to express what he feel and how see this friend. The spirit of John Lennon made the ballad to Paul McCartney (listen on YouTube "Ballad to Paul McCartney") and Leandro composed music to his brother and family, with the best of intentions.
Here on Earth, humans can control everything. In heaven and spirits the boss is God! You know the fear of many? Because it isn’t possible to touch the spirits. Also because they are not visible to everyone, only to clairvoyants.

But you believe that death really would kill a John Lennon, a Senna or many others that even being beggars, were men of faith?
Today I will be only in this little piece ... Because we are getting friends of Rio Grande do Sul and are working on new songs that will be available soon on Youtube.

Now who will make the considerations is no longer I, Carmen, but rather Senna ...
S Death for those who have no faith, is the death of the soul. For spirits who have, like me, an ancient journey, is not death, but a break. The light that shines for me may shine for you too, that someday will disembody. It is very good to learn while alive is that the mystery of God is much simpler than we can imagine. Eternal life is divided into two parts: eternal life to turn spark on the Astral and eternal life to work. For me, Béco the popular "Senna" was not worth me up here, the fact of having been champion. Was worth my faith in God and my special way of being useful in anything. If my condition, in the Astral Plane, was to perform domestic services at the Threshold I would be! I am not better than anyone else! But one thing I still am, "fighter", "brave"! I do not intimidate myself front of new facts! I embrace the inevitable and put  petrol with additives within my own being, the being who I am. Love with intensity! Love! I am fair! I'm not an angel with huge wings. I'm not a saint! I have been St. Bernard. Could I, in my many past lives, has been Alberto Santos Dumont? If I was, I'll prove that I was not a suicide. I'll prove that killed me. If I went or not Santos Dumont, it's up to me to prove, not who is on planet Earth. But it is up to the forensic to do exams on the remains of Santos Dumont to research the feasibility of murder. In the Astral Plane was openned an investigation from the suspected I was Santos Dumont and my premature death as Senna has occurred in retaliation to the alleged suicide.
For now let's stop here, but we will have a lot to talk ... The important thing is that you continue working, having faith in God, because religion is a detail to be followed, but faith in God is mandatory! There isn’t good for nothing following a religion and discriminate the other!

One person commented on Facebook: "but Senna is tart". I'm not bitter, I am wise! I am determined! I'm not arrogant, I'm objective. I use the accuracy in what makes me well ,and that is good for you, there in the Earth Plan. Who loves me, like the way I am! Oh! But then I need to be exactly as I was when I was incarnate? I am the spirit! I had a conscience, I returned to the spiritual life and keep having my consciousness of loving the  neighbor as myself. So do not seek in me spirit, perfection and holiness. Seek in me and in the books that I write the meekness when needed, righteousness when asked and humor when due. Love you!
Still loving you on the line, the curve, the asphalt, in the gravel, in the waves and the seashore and the footprints in the sand, where who walks in front of me is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Onward Brazil! S


Translation: Iara Gallotti Frantz

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