
terça-feira, 18 de março de 2014


Dear friends,

Over these past years I have spoken vehemently, through spiritual sayings and psicographics that before disincarnating already working on perisprit (astral travel). To make this possible, the spirit or perisprit must possess significant past lives and, why not say, expressive. I was Benjamin the son of Jacob, the favorite brother of Joseph When I speak of the time of Jacob, still need to clarify you that even before that period, I had already reincarnated countless times. Generations have passed and my brothers and I that of that time are still rediscovering ourselves, reincarnated.
You have heard, throughout his physical existence, the renowned medium Francisco Cândido Xavier tell you about Roman Senator Publius Lentulus. It could have been me, at that time, his son Marcus Lentulus? If it was not, I could have been one of Jesus' disciples? Try search. Seek in your heart.

As I have reiterated, disembody I had to in 1994 to assume my true spiritual identity. Little time after my disembodiment, Emmanuel André Luiz and rested his hands, one on my left and a right, and played with me, played within the peculiar seriousness of millenniums: "Hey, look friend You're the guy we were hoping to enlarge Spiritual Home! "So has been made a connection between the spiritualist Traditional Home and renovated Home. I assure you that I did not force myself to call those who would be with me. Think of a caravan of spirits and astral travelers (perispirits), all lined up, wanting to belong to Our Ecumenical Spiritual Home! This is one of my mysteries, one of my secrets. Others that I have, throughout our conversations, you will know. It should also seeking in the previous texts of the blog all that have already revealed to you.

Today what brought me from greater missions - I'm referring to the search for the Malaysian Airlines plane disappeared ( and I 'm not alone , many spirits and perispirits are working  on it) - was to say that these books written over the last 30 years, with 10 years in condition of spirit and almost 20 as astral body, on condition that intangible spirit , I , at no time needed to use information about what my incarnated body was made ​​or be on earth . It was never my intention! I reveal what I do in spirit. I am not addressing issues related to F1 or leaving the guys "down here" to "just quit". No need to be talking who I dated or stopped dating. I do not want and do not need it! I have a lot of content to reveal. I talk about my life in the Astral Plane , on important matters , while " kill " the curiosity of all of you , who are good people , people with a  good heart , Brazilians committed to humanitarian causes.

What is my big dream today? It put most of our books in publishing. Publishers earn their financials and Carmen and I we allocated our copyrights for institutions that we want to help, regardless of religion. New editors will be very welcome in this cause! With the funds raised from the copyright, my main focus, my main intention is to help the Ayrton Senna Institute, as designed it and I ended up leaving that responsibility to my family, who took this commitment to raise funds and establish partnerships with companies to ensure the development of this project. In any way want to be presumptuous, but if you let me speed up, as I sped "in the pen", add me to the Institute partnerships and assure the trophy charity. You know why? Because I'm Ayrton Senna ! I would never introduce myself to you through a " furreca " psychographics . What is it , my people ? Not! I am man of music, books. It’s enough to say that one of my teachers, it was and remains being John Lennon . You may think " But ' eita ' smug guy! “Eita 'bastard ghost!" I really am ! To keep following this road of soul and spirit have to have a differential! So please, when there are mediums on earth, in  worldwide , who have the material that I have, come to compete with me ! Let's go "relo " ! And I will not use wax. No need to use it in kite. Or oil on the tracks of life. I only need to be what I always was: determined! And that's what I try to teach in all of these books. So it is very important that you disclose my intentions and thus help us to do charity. Material, I have! We lack editors. I'm a hustler spirit and with immense potential to charity! Emmanuel and Andrew believe it, all heaven believe that, and I have to honor this credibility.

The machine I'm using, the Carmen, who is my cockpit, have a fever, full of "ai, ai, ai", so I assumed today's text, not to let them into the hand. The subject on which I am trying now is very serious thing. So, regardless of religion, because I love you all, I ask you to disclose the previous text and this too. Exceeding this blog forward, forming "boil" and accelerate! Come together to make things happen! If my family think that I'm good at what I do, will await the outcome of my project. I need to do this for all who are involved in my Institute.

Now, to not dwell further, I need to write with the smoke of airplanes, making tonneau on the tip of the loop and air "revolteios" with the force of the engines, I love to love you. And the way I have to express this love is making broad and unrestricted charity.

Ah! And they are here, next to me, my teammates in the Astral, Leandro, John, Michael Jackson, Hebe Camargo, George Harrisson, Nair Belo and so on ... How about Dinho, Bento, Samuel, Sergio and Júlio, the members of Mamonas Assassinas, as songwriters and comedians in our books? We gather the "cream" of the well-intentioned. We have public and non-public people in our team. We met with the proposal to be what the Emmanuel and André Luiz credited us. Ah! And Chico Xavier, huh?  Would  be he on our team or not? Perhaps Chico would sleeping in crevices of Mother Earth or her he awakened to collaborate? Think about it ...

Love to love you!

A big kiss in the soul, the spirit and the matters of all of you.

Psychographics made by the spirit of Ayrton Senna, through the medium CARMEM Faini tiepolo Aguiar.
Curitiba, 03/15/2014, at 19:30.

Tradução para o inglês:

Iara Gallotti

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