
sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2015


Hello dear friends! My angels made of light!

Last Saturday, June 20, at 22.45, the Michael Jackson’s spirit communicated. I asked him how could I pay tribute to him, and also too many others who passed away that same month over the years.

 The month of June it’s really sad for me! It’s the same month of the death of my friend and medium Chico Xavier, Leandro (singer), the young Thayná Adriane da Silva and even him, my dear Michael, for whom I always have too much affection and I could in person be sometimes with him.
 He took a deep breath, thought for a while, turned his eyes to infinity and seeking divine inspiration, and said, quietly, that the best tribute, from deeply in his heart, would be the publication of the song Smile, performed by Jermaine his brother. 

Actually, the Astral Plane was programming for this week, that the spirit of Michael would psychograph his books and his songs.

 But he kindly left another girl who died three and a half years, and wanted to communicate with his mother and for many other spirits.

 She was a Brazilian who lived in Portugal, which his mother is one of my friends on Facebook.

 Asked again, Michael claims to be very grateful for all the love and affection that people continue to feel for him! And this love is reciprocal, because he also continues loving people, his family, his friends and the fans all over the world. 

I was surprised today with sorrowful news. The death of the singer Cristiano Araújo and Allana de Moraes, his girlfriend. At this difficult time, I send my condolences to the family of Cristiano and Allana.

Then, following the guidance of the spirit of our beloved Michael Jackson, we pay tribute to all discarnate and incarnates all who inhabit our home, the Earth, with the song Smile

Tradução: Lincoln Donizete e Iara Gallotti Frantz

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